November 16, 2011

A new sock

I've been knitting the poppies vest for over a month now and I feel great that I'm doing so well with this project.  Before I show you more pictures of the vest though, I do have something else to show you - a sock that I just finished. I started it before the vest and even though it doesn't feel like I spent much time on it, it's done. That's the best kind of knitting, fun and fast.


Πλέκω το γιλέκο πάνω από ένα μήνα τώρα. Νιώθω πολύ ωραία που προχωράει αυτό το πλεκτό. Πριν σας δείξω όμως καινούριες φωτογραφίες, έχω κάτι άλλο - μια κάλτσα που μόλις τελείωσα. Την ξεκίνησα πριν το γιλέκο και παρόλο που νιώθω ότι δεν ασχολήθηκα πολύ με την κάλτσα, είναι έτοιμη. Το καλύτερο πλέξιμο, διασκεδαστικό και γρήγορο.


I really enjoyed working with this yarn, it's Juliet from Yarn Love in Sock Star. This is another skein that really surprised me, it's always so much fun to see the colors mix in a sock.

Απόλαυσα πολύ το νήμα από την εταιρία Yarn Love, λέγεται Juliet και το χρώμα είναι το Sock Star. Είναι ένα ακόμα νήμα για κάλτσες που ήταν έκπληξη, είναι πάντα ωραίο να βλέπω πώς ανακατεύονται τα χρώματα στην κάλτσα.


  1. The colours are so cheerful and great!

    I've been trying to find good European sources of sock yarn (e.g. good online shops), if you have any to recommend, I'd be really grateful!

  2. Nice sock! I agree, it's fun watching how the colors come together in a colorway of a sock.

  3. The sock looks amazing!

    The sad thing is, I probably wouldn't have picked this color on the skein myself, but the end result is stunning. I need to become better at imagining what a great sock a skein could become.
    Very well done!

  4. Pure joy ... and for your feet, no less!

  5. i like how the colours turned out, lovely work.
